The following are the two types of absences recognized by the Grossmont Union High School District:
Excused Absence: Work may be made up for full credit, and faculty assistance will be available where needed. EXAMPLES: Personal illness, illness or death in the immediate family, medical and dental appointments, funerals, a call to court, or others as designated by the Principal.
Unexcused Absence: The school district and staff are released of all responsibility to the student. EXAMPLES: Truant to school, leaving school without first receiving permission from the Attendance Office or the Nurse, car problems or oversleeping.
When the extended absence is due to a medical emergency (request must be accompanied by a physician’s note) or extended absences of five (5) school days or more should occur, student and parent must make an appointment with his/her counselor. Absence Procedures Students MUST clear absences within 3 days when absent from class.
Only the parent or guardian of record may contact the Attendance Office to excuse absences.
You may clear your absence by:
Having your parent/guardian phone the attendance office on EACH DAY OF YOUR ABSENCE, or leave a voice mail message at (619) 660-3031.
Send a note to the Attendance Office the following day.
Absences not excused within three (3) days are truant per state law.
Early Release
If your student needs to leave school before their regularly scheduled time:
Send a signed and dated note with your student to the Attendance Office BEFORE school. Include the specific reason they need to leave.
Call at least one (1) hour in advance. Note that student lunch is 12:15 - 12:45 pm - we are unable to quickly contact students during lunch. Please call early!
If a student leaves campus without a pass, they will be marked truant.
Late to School
Excused lates are:
Doctor, dental, or court appointments. A note is required from that facility.
Illness; a note from the parent or guardian is required.
Unexcused lates are:
Car problems, oversleeping, DMV appointments, babysitting, traffic, etc.
Student reports directly to class for unexcused lates.
Make-up Work Students with excused absences are allowed to make up work missed. It is the responsibility of the student to request and the teacher to assign make-up work (example-absent for 2 days, 2 days allowed to make-up work). In consultation with the student, the teacher should provide sufficient time for make-up work.